Hey, Sickbaggers.
I know, I know. It's been another couple of months since I last posted, for which I apologise (if you even care, that is).
Trouble is, I've reeeeeeaaaally not felt like updating, as things have not been so peachy of late.
As you may recall, in that last post, I was unemployed, but I was happily plodding along, filled with ideas and scheme, and extolling the virtue of my wonderful girlfriend.
Well, I think God must have read that post, and deemed in His infinite wisdom that I was having far too much happiness, for some three weeks later my girlfriend left me.
She had her reasons, and assured me it wasn't me, but it hasn't made the split any less painful. I thought the world of her and would have done anything with my limited powers to make her happy...but now she's gone, and not a day goes by where I don't think of her, and miss her deeply. She is an incredible person, and still so very special and dear to me.
Added to this is the fact I'm still unemployed, despite filling enough more forms and applications to lay waste to an entire forest; and money is so tight that I've had to skip meals on occasion just to stretch my resources, and things are looking rather bleak and hopeless.
In short: everything's gone to shit. Big, steaming piles of it.
Then, yesterday I went to the hospital to have an ECG, as I've been having chest pains a lot lately. I've always had a bit of a dicky chest, but the twinges and palpitations have been increasing in frequency, so figured I should get it checked out.
The initial diagnosis seems to be that part of my heart has become enlarged, as it struggles to effectively pump blood around my body. The exact reasons why are still a mystery and further investigations are needed, but it's another piece of less-than-stellar news to absorb.
It seems my heart is quite literally broken.
So, yeah. That's why I haven't posted here of late.
I'm still somehow updating Lord Likely's site, though, albeit less frequently. It's quite tricky to pump out chuckles and guffaws when I feel so depressed, but I think I'm getting away with it. Hopefully his lordship's antics are still eliciting the odd chuckle.
I also apologise for his lordship's less frequent visits to his friend's websites and blogs. I do still keep up with most of them, but I'm finding plucking a witty response from the air to put in the comments a little hard, so forgive me.
I was buoyed by the generous response to his lordship's latest fund-raising attempt, though. I was genuinely penniless and so the generous donations made were really, truly appreciated. Thank you so much, you guys!
In other news, it looks like The Carrotty Kid's site will be disappearing soon. It's due for renewal now, but I set it up back when I had a job and money, and I simply cannot afford to pay to keep it going, which is a shame. I did have plans for the Kid, but as with everything, my plans do not seem to account for much!
Hopefully, normal service will be resumed somewhen soon, and there will be less whiney, self-pitying posts like this and more of the usual nonsense and nob gags.
In the meantime, here is a delightful comic from Pearls Before Swine for you to enjoy.

See ya.
- Fanton.